Saturday, December 15, 2007

Lazy weekend

I'll take advantage of this lazy weekend to make another blog entry. My mom was in town recently for a nice 12 day visit. It was perfect timing for us because Sam was busy with the end of his semester and I was busy finishing paintings for my class. She got plenty of quality time with Eli and I think they both loved every minute of it. We did manage to get in some nice day trips and a weekend in Umbria while she was here. The trip's itinerary included Orvieto, Civita de Bagnoregio, Tuscania, Rome, Assisi, and Spoleto. We have only a meager assortment of photos from the trip because it was so cold and rainy for most of the time.

Civita: My mom is the speck in the white jacket on the bridge.

Orvieto: The Duomo and Eli running around on the grass next to it.

Spoletto: The weather was too bad to take any outdoor photos that day, but here's one of a roman home that was excavated from under Spoleto's regional gov. offices. We didn't get any pictures from Assisi because of the damp and foggy weather, but the town was absolutely amazing. I think the church of St Francis is my favorite so far - a definite "must see" if you come to Italy. The fresco cycle within was beautiful and the church has a warm glow that's lacking in most Italian cathedrals.

This was the view from our room at the agriturismo in downtown Gaglioli. Gaglioli is a tiny speck of a town between Assisi and Spoleto.

Here are a couple of the paintings that I did for my class this semester.
The aim of the class was realism.

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