Thursday, August 30, 2007

Match day


Just a quick note today because it's getting late. All of the kids arrived today. They were paired off with Italian families, with whom they will live for the next nine months! I never could have done this as a teenager so I'm in awe of them. The school had a very cute ceremony this afternoon for the student/family match up. All of the students seem great! We're really excited for this year to get underway.

PS. Italian can be a tricky language. We just found out that one slip of the tongue can make all the difference:

"Eli ha uno anno." = Eli is one year old.
"Eli ha uno ano." = Eli has one asshole.

Don't worry, we've got it down now...


Anonymous said...

i'm new... anticipation to register nearly more regularly!

Anonymous said...

i'm new... promise to post approximately more regularly!