Saturday, August 11, 2007

Life in Viterbo

We're getting to know our way around town a bit now, s0 we've post some pictures of our apartment, Viterbo and the local haunts we've found thus far...

Our Apartment

The front door to our building .

The front door to our apartment on the third floor (walk-up).

The living and dining rooms face the street. They're pretty much one big room. A skinny wall divides the far sides of the room between the media stand in the living room and the desk in the dining. (There are ridiculously ugly light fixtures in every room - check them out!)

A crude panorama of the view from our living room window.

Local Haunts
Sam at the fruit market across the street.

This very cute meat and cheese market is across the street as well.

The cafe where we get our caffe espresso in the mornings.

The pharmacy where we get all our toiletries etc. BTW, it's curious how there's no such thing as unscented here. It simply doesn't exist for detergents, lotions, soaps, etc. The closest thing we've found are items that "contain no serious fragrance"... hhm... Allergies are practically unheard of as well - but I get a lot of sympathy from pharmacists when I tell them that Eli and I have skin allergies. We're interesting projects for them.

A park and playground for Eli.

A gorgeous little wine bar (or enoteca) for Sam and me.

Street scene in the historic medieval district.

In front of a papal palace of the 13th century.

Hard to tell from this photo, but this is a fairly high-end little shopping district in town.

Residential gardens, such as these, and are peppered throughout town.

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