Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Santa Rosa Hang Over

So, the biggest festival of the year is officially over. We ate, we drank, we saw 100 men carry a huge "thing" lit up with candles.

Now we're back to the nitty-gritty of everyday life in Viterbo. However, we're yet to see what that means for us. Sam had his first day of classes today which, he reports, went very well. He's busy at school assessing placement exams now. I had my first painting class on Monday and I have my first sketching class tomorrow. The classes are in an absolutely gorgeous town about a half hour from here (I'll post pics soon). We're still trying to nail down the daycare situation for Eli, but one of the host family mothers offered to babysit for us in the meantime, so at least we're covered for now.

I'll report more about the classes I'm taking in Tuscania on Friday, but the one on Monday was great. I used to draw all the time, but this was the very first time I'd had a brush in hand. The results were interesting. The assignment was to paint a plastic cup. My painting, thus far, looks like a cylinder of mud. Luckily, 15% of my grade is based on overall improvement - plenty of room for that. There are two other girls in my class who are very nice and don't seem to mind having an older post grad hanging around. They asked me how old I am. When I said thirty, they were stunned and said I didn't look a day over 25. Ah, vanity! They've made my year already.

1 comment:

andrea said...

Happy Belated Birthday Caroline! I'm so proud of you guys for keeping up the blog. I read it in the morning with my coffee (no joke) and clearly I'm living vicariously through you--not too much going on in the Great White North.