Saturday, September 6, 2008

Summer Highlights

Here are a few pictures of the highlights from our Summer spent stateside.

PS. One definite highlight to add to the list: Caroline is preggers again! The baby is due at the end of January. We're going to have an Italiano bambino!

The Savages visit more Savages in Phoenix

Above: Eli and Papa on Big Cheese. "Eli, do you love it?" "Love it!"
Below: Sam and Eli go for a ride in the roping arena as well.

Above: Eli and Big Papa read and play together.
Below: Eli splashes around at the water park at the Phoenix Zoo
(which was already scorching by 10am that morning)

Above: Eli explores at the Children's Museum
(highly recommended if you happen to be going to Phoenix)
Below: A little afternoon reading in Mimi's new kitchen

Cousin Cody's Birthday Party

Above: Auntie Debbie made a fabulous light saber cake out of Twinkies and Ho-Hos
Below: The cake was a huge hit with Eli and cousin Lexi

Eli Turns Two!

Above: Caroline made a truck cake (yes, the whole thing is edible!)
Below: The entire Savage family came to Walnut Creek to celebrate

Above & Below: We had a great time catching up with old friends and their new additions.

Stephanie & John get married!

Above: We were so lucky to be able to attend Stephanie and Jon's wedding in Napa. The occasion was definitely worth the wait!

The Savages' East Coast tour

Our tour included NYC, Mahopac, Long Beach, Fire Island, Skaneateles, and Deerfield, MA. With all that travel we didn't have time for much picture taking, but here are a few from the gorgeous days we spent in Fire Island. Eli and Ceci hit it off with flying colors.

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